Galleries 213
Collections 1
Groups 41

Shrine of Saint Rita

Galleries 133
Modified 2-Mar-22
6337 photos

Augustinian Photos

Galleries 46
Collections 1
Modified 14-Sep-22
2120 photos

Art Photography

Galleries 7
Modified 13-Jan-20
79 photos
Art Photography

General Catalog of Photograhs

Galleries 6
Modified 2-May-21
218 photos

Mifflin Guard Gettysburg July 2, 2016

Visitors 29
19 photos
Created 8-Apr-20
Modified 8-Apr-20
Mifflin Guard  Gettysburg July 2, 2016

Annunciation BVM

Galleries 9
Modified 1-Oct-23
140 photos

Family Photographs

Galleries 6
Modified 31-Oct-24
215 photos

Saint Paul's Church

Modified 6-Oct-22
0 photos

Lesson_Carols for Peace_2022

Visitors 20
7 photos
Created 23-Mar-24
Modified 23-Mar-24
Lesson_Carols for Peace_2022

Saint Nicholas of Tolentine Parish

Galleries 2
Modified 10-Oct-24
130 photos

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Galleries 1
Modified 30-Dec-23
7 photos